Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Baggy Pants Ban "Unconstitutional," rules U.S. Judge

A judge in Florida says Riviera Beach's "saggy pants" law is unconstitutional in the case of a 17-year-old who spent a night in jail for having his underwear showing.
In Shreveport, you cannot be arrested for violating the “Saggy Pants” ordinance, but you could be fined or required to perform community service. The maximum fine for a first offense is $100. In Bossier City, at Louisiana Boardwalk, they make you leave the property(It's Private Property)and if you refuse to leave, then you'll be going to jail for remaining after forbidden.

Maybe Im the crazy one here, but I think The police have more important things to do than chase young boys and girls and say 'pull your pants up. I am pretty sure millions of american soldiers fought and died so this country could be known as the "land of the free" free of oppression, freedom of speech, freedom of wearing our pants anyway or any where we want!! If I want to wear my pants half way down my butt, or half way down my head, I have the freedom to do so.

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