Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Drunk E-mailing-Google's Got Your Back...

Very nice new feature from Gmail to help you avoid stupid attacks of sincerity driven by alcohol, the Google labs mail goggles feature to prevent drunkmail is pretty handy... except that my math "skills" are so questionable that I wouldn't be surprised if I hosed one of these while sober...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Take This Job & Shove It...

To hear this unique on-air resignation, just click here!

Gregg Stepp has some of the best live and local compelling radio that you'll hear today...

COX Classic Rocker WFYV (ROCK105)/JACKSONVILLE, FL afternoon man GREGG STEPP gave what he called his "15-seconds notice" on the air and walked off his show upon hearing, then allegedly confirming the rumor that COX "upper management" were planning to let him go after his show this FRIDAY

"I'd like to give the big middle finger to upper management," he shouted live on-air. But then thanked his local co-workers and bosses. Then STEPP continued to rail against "COX upper management" calling a couple out by name. He then exited with "Kiss my ass ... I'm gone!"