Friday, August 15, 2008

Burger King Bath Guy

It started as a birthday joke. An employee at a Burger King restaurant near Dayton, Ohio apparently decided to follow the restaurant's motto to "have it your way" and filmed himself as he took a bath in the fast food restaurant's big kitchen sink.
The worker, 25-year-old Timothy Tackett, who describes himself on his YouTube page as "Mr. Unstabl3," is seen in the video shirtless and apparently pantless as he bathes himself in the soapy waters of the sink.
At one point in the video, the camera operator takes the camera to the front counter of the restaurant where a manager or supervisor appears to be counting the money for the day. The camera operator explains that the employee is taking a naked bath but the person counting the money does not move.
A spokesperson for Burger King told the Associated Press that two employees involved in the incident were fired and another quit. Meanwhile, the sink had to be scrubbed and cleaned and inspected by health department officials. The restaurant also said it threw away all of all kitchen tools and utensils used in the video.

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